Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Wolves in Sheeps Clothing"

The following link is of an article from an English language newpaper here in Turkey. It announces our(Fulbrighters) arrival and talks about the Turkish government's "hopes" for us being here.

Being an idealist, I agree with the idea that this program has been set up to help Turkish college students in small regional universities to further their basic English communication skills therefore propelling them into the western world as productive global citizens. But :

1. Our number 1 priority is to make sure that our sometimes strained relationship with this country continues to be friendly.

2. Not everyone is convinced that we are here for good....hince the comments at the bottom of the article.

3. Now that I am here I have realized that this full force program should have been eased into. Instead, 50+ smiley, friendly young Americans have been thrown on young universities that may have not been ready for us. My university will probably not be ready for real English language and culture classes for another couple of years. The kids are not very motivated to learn English. They are required to take English classes during their freshman year and thats it! They go on and become "forest engineers" or physical education teachers......never to use English again. There is an exchange program available for them to apply for (Erasmus), but only a very few qualify because of language. I don't want to make it seem like I am forcing my language and culture on them........I only want them to learn if they see the usefulness in it.

Again, I agree with their government in that learning English will serve them well in the future, not because I think that America is the greatest and everyone should strive to be more "American", but because English is the major language of business and politics. In order for this country to be where it wants to be, which is a world power in commerce, military stregth and political savvy, the majority of their population must be fully on board and ready to help propel them into the forfront. They are headed in the right direction, but I still think I am here alittle too soon.

1 comment:

  1. If anyone can take on a project that is difficult and make it wonderful it would be go girl!!!! Hugs!

    Erin A
