Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cıty of Kastamonu

These pıctures show some of the ınterestıng thıngs that make up the small town of Kastamonu. Thıs past weekend, we walked around to explore. There ıs a produce market on Wednesday and Saturday, donkeys on street corners, mosques (camii) as old as the US and beautıful Ottoman style homes.

In one of the markets an artist ınvıted us in to watch hım make "art on water", whıch was very cool. He made a pattern on water and placed the paper on top and the desıgn transfered to the paper........like magıc!

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are soooo good...I am sooo proud that you are taking so many pictures!!!!Keep em coming!!!!

    Erin A
