Monday, September 13, 2010


Ok, I told some of you that I would blog from the on the plane and there was no wifi, like I was anticipating. So, I am writing from Baskent Ogretmenevi (teachers house) of a Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey....mouthful!

Anyways, 3 planes and a taxi......tada! I finally made it here! And thank God my luggage made it here with me! The flight from NYC to Istanbul was 9 hours, but I had to sit on the tarmac for 2 hours as they fixed the fuel pump......little nervous with that! Then, on the Istanbul to Ankara flight we had the Turkish national basketball team on board! They just played the US team yesterday and lost....oh well.

FYI.....great food on Turkish airways!

So far so good........I've got to get ready for dinner at 630. Yea Turkey!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! 3 days and a mule later your in TURKEY! GOOD TIMES WILL BEGIN!

