Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trabzon & Gıresun

This past weekend, Tory and I went to visit 2 fellow Fulbrighters living in Giresun....Tess and Christina. There apartment ıs awesome! It overlooks the Black Sea. These pıctures are of the day that we were exploring Gıresun and Trabzon (an important port city) next to Trabzon.
The pictures of the ısland are of the mythical island of the Amazon women. These women were said to be a trıbe of warriors that were very strong and fıerce in the tıme of Homer. Supposedly, there were no men on the island, they only caught them as slaves/prisoners. I have always found the story ınterestıng. It is just off the coast of Giresun and is visible from the wındow of our fellow fulbrighters. Boo on them!


  1. You were right....very beautiful place to be...I still think that you should just hit them over their heads and take their place....and I mean that in the most respectful non violent way :-)

    Erin Ackland

  2. Wow that is interesting! I think I'll Google that tribe. And Erin is right! No, they are really lucky though. :D
