Saturday, January 29, 2011


Due to the recent violence in Egypt, I have canceled my trip to Cairo. Although, I was really looking forward to seeing the pyramids and Mt. Siani, the erupted violence has been the worse seen there in years. At last count, I believe over 50 people have been killed and the people are protesting day and night for the president to step down. It seems that after the protests and overthrow of Tunisian president, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali that several other nations have been inspired to do the same thing.

It has become a serious issue and all of the Arab world is paying attention. As a tourist and lover of historical places, I just hope that Egypt's ancient treasures are not harmed. This morning I saw that a building near the Egyptian museum was on fire. Scary!! That museum holds the worlds most comprehensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts and it would be a shame if something where to happen to it.

Anyway, I just wanted everyone to know that I will not be going to Egypt this time. I have turned in my ticket for a refund and have bought a ticket to Spain instead! I will be going to Barcelona on Monday 01/31 and it will be a great time! I'm super excited and can not wait to see Gaudi's church and the Picasso museum! Many pictures are sure to come! :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To the Land of the Pharaohs

On Sunday, January 30th, I will depart from Istanbul to Cairo! Now there has been some recent violence in the city because of protests but I hope to be able to come and go peacefully. Keep me in your prayers as I embark on this adventure! Many people know where I will be and I will not be alone so do worry!

I can not wait to see the Nile river and the pyramids of Giza!!! Pictures are coming soon!